Creating Engaging Characters for Inspired Story Adventures
Discover how to create memorable main characters for your family storytelling sessions! Simple and engaging tips to inspire parents and grandparents to invent unique characters that captivate kids. Let your child’s interests lead the way.
10 Somewhat Spooky Stories for Kids
10 ideas of not-so-scary to somewhat creepy stories to try telling your kids this Halloween. Enter a world of enchanting frights with our curated list of spine-tingling tales perfect for kids. Each story has our Spooky Meter rating to ensure just the right amount of thrill for young audiences.
Can Scary Stories Be Beneficial for Kids?
Explore the benefits of sharing age-appropriate scary stories with children during the spooky season. Learn how these stories can help kids navigate fear and uncertainty in a safe environment, teaching them caution, resilience, and perspective. Why you may want to tell you kids Halloween stories.
Playing With Story: Five Free Games to Get You Started
Five ideas for free story-based games to play with your children or grandchildren. These activities are an easy way to get started with your family's storytelling adventures. The story games listed here are a way to spend fun, quality time together without the need for advanced preparation and bonus, no clean-up after.
Exploring the Wonders of Nature Through Story
Explore the wonders of nature by playing with stories that blend fiction and nonfiction to spark your child's curiosity. Discover creative ways to personify animals and natural processes, build recurring characters, and find inspiration from popular books and shows. Nature tales are a unique tool to teach and entertain.
Using History Stories to Teach Persistence and Perspective
Ignite your kids’ imaginations by telling them great stories from history. Telling tales from the past can spark our children’s curiosity and help them think about the mark they want to leave on the world.
Creating a Story Routine
Creating a routine around your family storytelling can help give momentum and impact to your special time together. It simply requires selecting a place and time that works well for your family schedule, and developing a few habits you will implement around that time.
Why we Tell Community Stories
Community stories can help our children better understand how they fit into the world around them. These tales help us teach the core values, beliefs, and morals of a particular community. Community stories connect people across distances and throughout different generations.
Benefits for Parents and Grandparents From Telling Stories To The Kids We Love
From helping you better understand the children in your life to enhancing your own creativity, learn five benefits that family storytelling can have for parents, grandparents, and other caregivers. It isn’t just the kids who benefit when families tell stories together.
The Many Ways Kids Can Benefit from Regular Story Times
Telling kids stories has well-documented potential academic, social, cultural, and psychological benefits. Here we summarize some of the most important ones we have found in the research and to be true for our kids’ lives.
How Story Can Build The Most Legendary Connections
Storytelling is an activity that connects the storyteller with the audience. Explore a few of the ways this bond is created and why it can be so powerful for families.
10 Stories Worth Telling Kids About Their Family
Telling kids stories about their family members and family history can strengthen their sense of belonging. Read to find 10 ideas of family stories to tell at your next gathering.
10 Stories Worth Telling Kids About Themselves
Help the children you love know more about their lives and the memories of them that you cherish most. Show them how important they are to you and those around them by telling stories from their early years.
Creating (or Selecting) Your Story in 3 Easy Steps
We offer an easy 4 step process for creating and telling your kids or grandkids stories they will love. Tips on how to find and prepare what story to tell and how to make the time memorable for years to come.
Types of Stories to Tell: A Rainbow of Choices
What stories should I tell my kids? Which stories do I need to remember to share with my grandkids? Discover the categories of stories to consider when embarking on your family storytelling journey along with examples of where to find inspiration for stories to tell from history, nature, literature, and beyond.
The Power of Telling Stories for Today’s Families
Our mission is to help families reclaim the power of storytelling as a tool to teach, nurture, and bond. Traditional storytelling may be less common, but it is increasingly relevant and vital for helping children feel connected to the adults in their lives. Telling our kids stories is a way to practice parenting with purpose.